The 7 reasons to go to in Japan

Japan can scare off some travellers because of the cultural differences and the language barrier. However, what makes travelling there so rewarding is that each discovery, visit, encounter or experience is wonderful and unique.
  1. 1
    Let yourself be surprised by the Japanese culture.
  2. 2
    Discover that Japanese gastronomy is so much more than sushi.
  3. 3
    Meeting welcoming people
  4. 4
    Experience things you never would in Europe
  5. 5
    Explore landscapes which change with the seasons
  6. 6
    Leap into the future… and into the past!
  7. 7
    See Japanese cherry blossoms.
1. Let yourself be surprised by the Japanese culture.

The Japanese culture is surprisingly different from ours. Traditions, gastronomy, religion, fashion, daily life, leisure, professional and personal relationships; Japan always surprises and delights. It can scare us and fascinate us, but the best thing to do is to experience this unique culture for yourself during a visit to Japan.

2. Discover that Japanese gastronomy is so much more than sushi.

Japanese gastronomy is a food culture which can appeal to the greatest number of people. Much tastier than what we get back home, la Japanese gastronomy is rich, varied, delicate and surprising. Nothing can beat the sushi and sashimi you will find there. Food experiences are not limited to raw fish and you will also try different delicacies for all occasions and in different places: green tea desserts, cold pasta, fermented beans… Indulge yourself!

3. Meeting welcoming people

Japanese do not often speak very good English and at first sight can appear cold and timid. However, they are kind and welcoming and always ready to help or guide you through the intricacies of their culture. Just ignore the language barrier and use sign language to meet some great people.

4. Experience things you never would in Europe

During your visit to Japan, you will have unique experiences! The culture is so different that each activity can seem out of the ordinary: spending time with cats in a Neko Cafe, dressing in a traditional kimono and visiting temples or festivals, taking part in a tea ceremony, sleeping in a Manga cafe or a capsule hotel, spending hours in a games arcade or a photo booth, etc.

5. Explore landscapes which change with the seasons

People often come to Japan for its extraordinary culture, but we sometimes forget that Japan is also a magnificent country with varied landscapes which change with the seasons. Here you can explore tropical beaches and islands, ultra-modern cities, rolling countryside with paddy fields, cherry trees in blossom in spring, mountains, castles, snowy landscapes and magnificent autumn colours. 

Those who go to Japan at the end of March or beginning of April will be lucky enough to see the cherry blossoms bloom,

and will also experience Hanami, and celebrate the arrival of spring with friends and family.

6. Leap into the future… and into the past!

Ultra-modern transport, unsettling architecture and technology far ahead of its time (even heated toilet seats!), Japan provides us with a glimpse of tomorrow's world.

A visit to Kyoto, Nara or Kamakura and you will see what Japan looked like a few centuries ago . A quietude not easily found in most modern cities.

7. See Japanese cherry blossoms.

Those who go to Japan at the end of March or beginning of April will be lucky enough to see the cherry blossoms bloom, and will also experience Hanami, and celebrate the arrival of spring with friends and family. A true symbol of Japan.

Discover the destination

Why go to in Japan?

Going to Japan, is like going into the unknown, venturing out in search of something totally different. The Land of the Rising Sun is a country like no other.
We recommend if...
  • Everything is totally different. Japan is a country hovering between tradition and modernity, where in just a few minutes, you can go from the bustle of a manic town centre to the calm of a zen garden, from a backdrop straight out of a science fiction film to becoming one with nature.
  • You will discover the wonderful richness of a cuisine that you will long for once you return home Just sushi, skewers and sashimi? Not at all, Japanese cuisine has so much more to offer!
  • You will be immersed in a totally different culture from your own: between manga and karaoke, discretion and eccentricity, you will have a wealth of wonderful experiences.
  • You can be like Scarlett Johansson in Lost in Translation and set off in search of serenity and peace in the tranquil Japanese gardens, which are even more beautiful in spring when the Japanese cherry blossoms are in bloom.

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When to go in Japan?


The best season to visit Japan is the spring: the weather is glorious and the cherry trees are in blossom. You can also go in the autumn when the colours are just as beautiful. But is it always better to go mid-season to explore the country. In fact, winter can be very cold, whilst summer is often very hot with heavy rain.

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What to see in Japan?

Top places to discover.

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Prepare for your departure to in Japan
Japan is a country with a very rich culture, different from ours. So here is some practical advice to help you prepare for your trip.

What documents to travel to in Japan?

No visa is necessary for a trip to Japan of less than 3 months for Europeans and Canadians. You'll have to show a passport which is valid for the entire length of your stay. Please be aware that minors should have their own passport to enter Japanese territory. For more information, you can consult the government's website.

Health advice

There are no compulsory vaccinations for a trip to Japan . Cases of German measles have been on the increase for a few years, so check before leaving that your vaccination is up to date, as well as your vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and polio.

Finally, you can take out health and repatriation insurance covering hospital expenses.


The official language is Japanese.

Time difference

In summer, the time difference between France and Japan is +7 hrs. So, when it's noon in Paris, it's 7 pm in Tokyo.

Phone and internet connection

The country code for Japan is 81.

Japan is a country at the forefront of technology and the Internet, so you won't have any problems finding a connection.


The electrical sockets in Japan are different to those in France, so you'll need an adapter.

The French Embassy in Japan

4-11-44 Minami-Azabu MinatoKu

The Japanese Embassy in France

7, avenue Hoche
75008 Paris

Police: 110

Police with a possible reply in French: (03) 3503-8484

Fire service: 119

Ambulance: 119

Tokyo Clinic (English-speaking and French-speaking doctors): 03 3436-3028 et 03 3436-3025.