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The best time of year to travel to Panama is the dry season, from mid-December to mid-April. Although temperatures are hotter and the climate more oppressive during the rainy season, it's still generally possible to visit all year round. Choose the dry season only if you're planning many long hikes; if not, visit whenever suits you!
Other than the Hotel experience we were happy. Panama is an interesting city very diversified and clean.
If you take the Canal Tour be prepared to encounter waiting around and delays beyond the companies control
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Panama Overview
We flew into Panama City at 8:00 in the morning, were met by a very friendly driver who stayed with us for all the Panama City trips. He took us to meet our guide for a 5 hour tour of the Panama Canal and the Biodiversity Museum. We then checked into our hotel and had a lovely afternoon/evening in *************. We then flew to Boquete to spend time in the mountains and jungle. After 2 nghts we drove over the mountains to get to Bocas de Toro and had a lovely 2-day stay at the ************** Hotel on *****************.
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We loved our time spent in Panama. The canal was pretty amazing as we watch the cargo ships go by. Boca Chica had great beaches and it was fun to island hop during our time there. The Seagull Cove Resort made the trip truly memorable. The manager of the resort did a great job. The staff were so helpful. Best New Year's Eve party at the *************.