The essential things to know when preparing your trip to the Czech Republic! Before leaving, here are some extra pieces of information to bear in mind so as to pronounce the vocabulary well:
The Czech alphabet has no less than 32 letters. Vowels have both a short and long form, with the latter corresponding to the same vowel pronounced twice. The presence of an upside down circumflex accent over a letter or adding an apostrophe after a letter 'softens' the letter, when pronounced this corresponds to adding an 'i' sound.
Pronunciation doesn't pose too many problems since Czech words are pronounced as they are written, with the main stress on the first syllable of the word. Besides that, the combined vowels 'ou', 'au' and 'eu' aren't pronounced in a single sound as we do but each vowel is separated and pronounced.
The last piece of information to know: at the end of a word, consonants are softened (so a v becomes an f).